
Pastoralist In Action Development Organization


About us

Pastoralist In Action Development Organization (PIADO) is a non-profit local Civil Society Organization (CSO) established in July 2019 under the Ethiopian Federal Civil Society Organization. Registered with proclamation number 1113/2019 and registration number 4264. PIADO operates in Somali and Oromia regional states of Ethiopia. With a vision to seek hope, tolerance, and social justice, PIADO aims to bridge the gap and improve livelihoods, education, vital health, and social services for marginalized communities, particularly women and girls.

Initially focusing on providing relief programs to support the drought and conflict induced Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) pastoralist and needy individuals.

PIADO strategic focus on application for humanitarian ,recovery and development programs intended to strengthen local capacity to bring about durable solution for the marginalized pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in Ethiopia. PIADO GOAL is to strengthen the local capacity of marginalized pastoralist and aggro-Pastoralist communities in the Ethiopia , with the vision of creating hope, tolerance, and social justice for these communities, especially women and girls.

PIADO's mission is to serve vulnerable individuals and families in Ethiopia's poorest communities, and their goal is to promote sustainable human development through the implementation of programs/projects in various thematic sectors. These sectors includes Education, Social Protection, Health ,Nutrition and Food Security, human right and democracy ,protection, prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, gender equality, child protection, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), livelihoods for youth and women, environmental protection, and humanitarian responses.

PIADO operates with a dedicated team of 30 staff members and 620 volunteers who are actively involved in implementing activities on the ground. Through their development and emergency programs, PIADO addresses the immediate humanitarian needs of vulnerable communities while also fostering resilience and adaptation for long-term sustainability. By focusing on various thematic areas, PIADO aim to make a positive impact on marginalized communities in Ethiopia.


PIADO  seek hope, tolerance and social justice by creating bridge for improving livelihood, education and vital health and social services where poverty has overcome the marginalized communities.

To serve vulnerable individuals and families in poorest communities in Ethiopia.

Promote conditions of sustainable human development through implementing programs/projects on basic service delivery, economic opportunities and livelihood diversification, DRRM, and climate change adaptations.
We directly reached

Thematic sectors 

PIADO Thematically focuses on and implements both development and emergency programs that address the immediate humanitarian needs of vulnerable communities while building longer-term resilience and adaptation through recovery interventions

Education Quality
Pastoralist In Action Development Organization (PIADO) works to increase access to quality education for marginalized children, particularly adolescent girls living in fragile and conflict-affected setting
Health, Nutrition, and Food Security
Every day, about 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. With communities at the center, PIADO is working to support more effective and motivated health workers.
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH),
Providing adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is a key public health challenge in today’s world. Access to safe and sufficient water and improved sanitation, as well as maintaining good hygiene, is crucial to human health, well-being, dignity and development.
Protection, Prevention of Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV),
PIADO believes every person has the right to a life free from violence. We put gender equality and the safety and dignity of women and girls at the center of what we do. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a local, national, regional and global problem of epidemic proportions that demands committed action and sustained resources.
Livelihoods (youth and women)
A livelihood constitutes the ability to make a living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can survive the stress and shocks of the surrounding environment while not undermining the natural resource base.
Emergency Shelter and Non Food Item (ESNAFI)
Conflicts and natural disaster like drought affect mostly pastoralist communities living in conflict and drought prone area like south east parts of Ethiopia, Somali causing acute, emergency humanitarian need of needs of the most vulnerable populations, namely those affected by new aspect of ongoing crisis, natural and/or man-made disasters

 Project s

  • Project Name

    Shelter and Non-Food Item (ESNFI) response to conflict affected displaced households at Siti Zone of Somali Region.

  • Project Sectors

    Shelter and Settlements, Sub-Sector(s): Shelter; S&S NFI

    Project Objectives

    To provide material support (Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs)) to address the immediate needs of victims of conflicts, displaced persons and other affected populations in of Siti Zone, Somali region

    Project Description

    The project will implemented  by PIADO  response to the conflict  displaced households at Afdem ,Erer and Dhunyar districts of Siti Zone ,Somali region ,Ethiopia.. The goal of the project is to provide material support (Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs)) to address the immediate needs of victims of conflicts, displaced persons and other affected populations in  Afdem ,Erer and Dhunyar districts of Siti Zone, Somali region.  This  enabled  PIADO  to provide a complete assistance package to the conflict -displaced  communities in four  selected locations ,Namely ;Bedhweyn,Aydid ,Shabelay  and Handhashiley  IDP sites .  The ESNFI interventions activities include.s Conduct introductory meetings  Beneficiary identification and registration ,Final verification ESNFI Kit: Delivery of emergency shelter and non-food items Provide training for beneficiaries in constructing emergency shelters Distribute ESNFI Kits  1,200 HHs  of 8,400 beneficiaries  displaced  by conflict and Conduct Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM).

  • Donor

    USAID Through UNIOM /Rapid Response Fund (RRF)

  • Duration

    08/08/2024 to 07/11/2024

  • project location

    Afdem ,Erer and Dhunyar districts of Siti Zone ,Somali region ,Ethiopia.

  • Project Name

    Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Item (ESNFI) response to the flood displaced households at Mustahil District of Shebelle zone, Somali Region.

  • Project Sectors

    Shelter and Settlements, Sub-Sector(s): Shelter; S&S NFI

    Project Objectives

    To provide Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Item (ESNFI) assistance to flood  affected internally displaced households (HHs) in the Mustahil District of Shebelle Zone, Somali Region

    Project Description

    The project will implemented  by PIADO  response to the flood displaced households at Mustahil District of Shebelle zone, Somali Region ,Ehiopia . The goal of the project is  provide Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Item (ESNFI) assistance to flood  affected internally displaced households (HHs) in the Mustahil District of Shebelle Zone, Somali Region ,Ethiopia .  This  enabled  PIADO  to provide a complete assistance package to the flood -displaced  communities in five selected locations ,Namely ;Godaro,Furug,Degan ,Fugug and Sadaxbaar IDP sites .  The ESNFI  interventions activities include.s Conduct introductory meetings  Beneficiary identification and registration ,Final verification ESNFI Kit: Delivery of emergency shelter and non-food items Provide training for beneficiaries in constructing emergency shelters Distribute ESNFI Kits  1,900 HHs  of 9,500 beneficiaries  displaced  by flood  and Conduct Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM).

  • Donor

    UNIOM /Rapid Response Fund(RRF)

  • Duration

    01/02/2024 to 30/04/2024

  • project location

    :Mustahil district of Shabelle Zone ,Somali region ,Ethiopia

  • Project Name

     ETH_AHP Horn of Africa Response 2023 -2024

  • Project Sectors

    Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL),Nutrition and Cash Programming(Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA).

    Project Objectives

    The primary goals of this project are twofold: to mitigate the ongoing food crisis and enhance nutritional well-being. Specifically, the project aims to achieve the following key outcomes:

    Enhanced Nutrition Services: Ensuring increased access to emergency nutrition services for vulnerable groups, including children under five years old, pregnant and lactating women, elders, and mothers/caretakers of children under two years old. This entails both preventive and curative measures.

    Improved Household Resilience: Elevating the purchasing power and nutritional outcomes of chronically food-insecure households in the Kadaduma district. This involves providing support that enables these households to meet immediate needs without resorting to negative coping strategies

    Project Description

    Project Interventions: The consortium's efforts are strategically channeled through three distinct intervention areas:

    1.       Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL): This aspect involves empowering communities through initiatives such as enhanced crop seeds, restocking of dairy goats, pasture enclosure to improve livestock, and the rehabilitation of ponds for increased water access.

    2.       Nutrition: Aiming to bolster nutrition support, the project focuses on both Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and Maternal Infant and Young Children Feeding in Emergencies (MIYCN-E). These efforts target the most vulnerable groups with specialized care.

    3.       Cash Programming: Providing a vital lifeline to affected families, the project integrates cash assistance into its framework. This approach helps bridge income gaps, offers flexibility in addressing basic needs, and prevents negative coping mechanisms. A particular focus is placed on empowering female-headed households, adolescent girls, and mothers of children with varying degrees of malnutrition.

  • Donor

     Alinea International Pty. Ltd.

    Originated Donor: DFAT- Department of Foreigh Affairs and Trade Australia.

  • Duration

    01/07/2023 to 30/06/2024

  • Project location

    Somali region, Dawa zone, Qadaduma district

  • Project Name

    ETH -Integrated Multi-Sectoral Life-Saving Response to Drought Affected Children and their Families in Hudet woreda of Somali Region (Envelop 2)

  • Project Sectors

    WASH and Livelihood

    Project Objectives

    The overall objective of the project is to save lives, prevent mortality rates, and reduce the number of acute malnutrition and disease cases in targeted woreda (Hudet) in the Somali region, of Ethiopia. Cluster Objectives
    • To protect and sustain core-agricultural livelihoods of climate and conflict-affected households in Ethiopia through humanitarian interventions in 2022.
    • Deliver conflict-sensitive essential life-saving WASH services to affected people.

    Project Description

    Pastoralist In Action Development Organization (PIADO )’s proposed integrated multi-sectoral emergency health, nutrition, livelihood, and WASH interventions are designed to save the lives, nutritional, and protection needs of thousands of severely drought-affected children and communities in Somali region – Hudet Woreda. The project will reach vulnerable communities, and provide the proposed services for both IDP, and host communities. The proposed project will complement PIADO's drought-targeted integrated emergency responses in Hudet of Dawa Zone, Somali Region. This will enable PIADO to provide a complete assistance package to the drought-affected communities in selected locations. The FSL interventions include multipurpose cash (MPC), Cash plus and linkages, supplementary livestock feed provision, refresher training for CAHWs, and targeted voucher-based animal treatment services. A total of 152,350 vulnerable people of which 31,303are men, 38,086 women, 40,798 boys, and 42,163 girls are expected to benefit from this project. WASH interventions include hygiene and sanitation promotion training for hygiene and sanitation promoters from selected Pastoralist In Action Development Organization (PIADO )’s proposed integrated multi-sectoral emergency health, nutrition, livelihood, and WASH interventions are designed to save the lives, nutritional, and protection needs of thousands of severely drought-affected children and communities in Somali region – Hudet Woreda. The project will reach vulnerable communities, and provide the proposed services for both IDP, and host communities. The proposed project will complement PIADO's drought-targeted integrated emergency responses in Hudet of Dawa Zone, Somali Region. This will enable PIADO to provide a complete assistance package to the drought-affected communities in selected locations. The FSL interventions include multipurpose cash (MPC), Cash plus and linkages, supplementary livestock feed provision, refresher training for CAHWs, and targeted voucher-based animal treatment services. A total of 152,350 vulnerable people of which 31,303are men, 38,086 women, 40,798 boys, and 42,163 girls are expected to benefit from this project. WASH interventions include hygiene and sanitation promotion training for hygiene and sanitation promoters from selected IDPs and host communities, conducting hygiene and sanitation campaign at selected IDPs and host communities and Distribution hygiene kits and WASH NFI (soaps, jerican , bucket, etc…) to affected HHs of discharged patients and IDPs.

  • Donor

    UNOCHA through Save the children

  • Duration

    1 year (April 01,2023 to March 31,2024

  • project location

    Somali region, Dawa zone Hudet district.

  • Project Name

    Contributing towards greater voice and protection of women and girls Dawa zone ,Somali region

  • Project Sectors

    Human right ,Gender and women empowerment

    Project Objectives

    To help families and communities support changes in negative gender norms. To empower women and girls to stand against all forms of FGM/C and CEFM and claim their rights To increase the self-confidence and self-projection skills of adolescents girls and women

    Project Description

    The project intends to enhance social empowerment of women and girls to achieve gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence. \ The main activities;  Capacity building training to women groups and girls clubs ,men and boys on FGM and child marriages . Conducted community dialogue and conversation on GBV ,FGM and child marriages. Total beneficiaries reached: 5,707 (2,162 women, 962 men , 1,505 girls and 1,078 boys ) were reached . Among these. : 370 (104 women,87 men , 95 girls and 86 boys ) Peoples with disabilities.

  • Donor

    British Council -CSSP2

  • Duration

    5 Months ( November 01,2022 to March 31,2023 )

  • project location

    Somali region, Dawa zone, Moyale district.

  • Project Name

    Conflict resolution and Public outreach strategy for civic/voter education through the medium of art.

  • Project Sectors

    Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding

    Project Objectives

    To enhance democratization ,community participation ,prevent violence and conflict during election process through Public outreach strategy for civic/voter education through the medium of art.

    Project Description

    3 years ,Starting from 2019 PIADO working conflict resolution and peace building such as conducted Election observation , voters education and capacity building on conflict resolution and peace . Project location : 4 districts of Dawa zone (Moyale ,Hudet ,Mubarak and Kadaduma districts ) Target beneficiaries : 89,450 ( 47,408 Female and 42,042 Males ) peoples include Youth , women ,Elders ,Internally displaced peoples(IDPs) ,opinion leader ,people with disabilities , marginalized groups and general public living in Moyale ,Hudet ,Mubarak and Kadaduma districts of Dawa zone Somali region of Ethiopia .

  • Donor

    ECES under PEV Ethiopia (Prevention, Mitigation and Management of Election-related Conflicts and Potential Violence in Ethiopia).

  • Duration

    6 months

  • project location 

    Somali region, Dawa zone, Moyale, Hudet, Mubarak and Qadaduma districts

  • Project Name

    Humanitarian responses ( Health ,Nutrition,,WASH and Livelihood)

  • Project Sectors

    Health ,Nutrition WASH and Livelihood

    Project Objectives

    To save lives, prevent mortality rates, and reduce the number of acute malnutrition and disease cases in targeted woreda (Hudet) in the Somali region, of Ethiopia.

    Project Description

    The project intends to improve health ,nutrition ,WASH and Livlihood through implementation of nutrition sensitive intervention ,capacity building for health and health extension workers on maternal and child nutrition and basic hygiene promotion for host communities and Internal displaced peoples of Dawa zone, Somali region Hudet district) .

  • Donor

    Private ,fundraising and membership contribution

  • Duration

    March 08,2022 to October 05,2022

  • project location 

     Moyale and Hudet 

     PIADO Donor partners

    Humanitarian Clusters Member

    • .WASH Cluster
    • ES/NFI Cluster
    • Health Cluster
    • Nutrition Cluster
    • Agricultural Cluster
    • Cash Working Group
    • Education Cluster
    • Protection and GBV Cluster
    • Food and Livelihood Cluster

    PIADO Key management staff 

    Latest News 


    PIADO safeguarding Commitment

    Pastoralist In Action Development Organization we are committed to the safeguarding and protection of children and adults at risk. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to work with children and vulnerable adults are recruited to work for us.

    Our Offices

    Moyale Town of Moyale district , of Dawa   zone of Somali region .

    Addis ababa Liason office 

    • +251913338507
    Email Address
    Social Links

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